Help! My magic mushroom grow kit is contaminated!

Growing magic mushrooms may be both instructive and gratifying. And the harvest can provide you with many wonderful experiences.

Because magic mushroom grow kits are natural items, there is one thing to be concerned about: contamination.

Let’s go through the different forms of contamination, so you know what to look out for! and what to do

Your mushroom grow kit is reaching the fruiting stage, and you can see white mold emerging. There are two varieties of white mold.

One of them is a good’mold’ produced by the mystical mycelium itself.

Good white mold

If your kit looks like this, it’s a positive indicator that the fruiting process has begun. Mushrooms will soon emerge from these little mycelium patches!

Bad white mold : Trichoderma Tarzianum 

Then there is the other type which is called Trichoderma Tarzianum. which looks like this:

When Trichoderma Tarzianum enters your grow kit, it appears as a little white spot and begins to spread swiftly. It usually takes over your entire equipment within one or two days. The white mold causes gentle rotting of the substrate and begins to produce its own green spores.

Bad Green Mould : Trichoderma harzianum

This species of green mold is known as Trichoderma harzianum. When this green mold appears, your kit is regrettably gone. Some cultivators try to remove the harmful portions. This can help occasionally, but the mold generally returns within a few days.

Bad grey mold : Cobweb

Grey mold (Cobweb) grows very fast and looks like a big puffy cloud. Here are a couple of examples:

After you’ve contacted us, or if you’re certain your kit has cobweb contamination, you can try treating it with hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) may be found in pharmacies as a disinfectant and is also used to dye hair blonde.

How do I get rid of Cobweb ?

You may use 3% hydrogen peroxide and spray it directly (in small droplets) on the cobweb to observe it dissolve. If it returns the next day, you can repeat the procedure. Hydrogen peroxide is not toxic and will simply decompose in water and oxygen.

Do you have other healthy grow kits?

f you suspect contamination, please move the contaminated grow kit to a different room from other grow kits. The sooner you do this, the bigger chance you have with preventing cross-contamination.

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