The 5 magic mushrooms trip levels you should know about

Deciding to explore the realm of psychedelics may be both daring and diverse.

Some Magic Mushroom Shop clients want a joyful night out, while others choose a more intense and introspective experience.

When experimenting with psilocybe cubensis mushrooms, often known as magic mushrooms, you should ask yourself, “What kind of psychedelic experience am I looking for?”.

Introducing: The 5 magic mushrooms trip levels you should know about, a guide that will lead you to the right trip.
Disclaimer: Psilocybin mushrooms are potentially illegal substances, and we do not encourage or condone the use of this substance where it is against the law. However, we accept that illegal drug use occurs, and believe that offering responsible harm reduction information is imperative to keeping people safe. For that reason, this guide is designed to ensure the safety of those who decide to use the substance. We do not encourage using this drug outside of a legal or traditional context.

Magic mushrooms trip levels

It’s crucial to remember that not all magic mushrooms are the same power level. The concentration of active compounds such as psilocybin can vary, and growing and storage circumstances can alter potency, resulting in a variety of trips.

Nonetheless, the magic mushrooms trip levels serve as a useful ”rule of thumb” for making sense of the experience.

Trip Level 0: Microdosing

Recommended dosage: 0.2 – 0.5 g. dried mushrooms

A micro-dose is a little amount of mushrooms that is hardly detectable. Take this every 2-3 days to increase creativity or relieve anxiety.

Microdosing trip levels pills

It was included as level 0 and is intended to be used in conjunction with your daily routine.

If you trip while taking an intended micro-dose, it’s no longer considered micro-dosing. It may be prudent to take less next time, as you may have entered Trip Level 1!

Trip Level 1: Happy go lucky

Recommended dosage: 0.8 – 1 g. dried mushrooms

Known as a basic level, this is an ideal way to become acquainted with the material.

The effects are modest, akin to being high on marijuana.

Music begins to feel better, strangers appear more kind, and the mind might lose some control.

You may see minor visual improvements or sound distortion, but they will be modest.

Trip level 1 is ideal for attending a party, festival, or enjoying a great night out with friends.

Trip Level 2: Beginner’s paradise
Recommended dosage: 1 - 1.5 g. dried mushrooms

Consistent sensory enhancement, with brighter colors and a mild body high.

Level 2 might be a more intense version of Trip Level 1, but with the proper dosage, it can become something more.

Be prepared for the onset of visual and aural hallucinations, such as objects moving and coming to life, as well as geometrical formations when you close your eyes.

It will be more difficult to concentrate and speak, and you will experience an increase in inventiveness as well as sensations of lightness and happiness.

Trip Level 3: Classic psychedelic trip

.Recommended dosage: 1.5 – 3 g. dried mushrooms

Trip Level 3 is great for beginners who want to jump in the “real” psychedelic experience, without overdoing the dosage.

This level is where visual hallucinations along with the appearance of patterns and fractals will be evident.

No more hinting or subtle flashes of visuals, it’s happening for real.

The surface of the object you’re observing will become shiny and moving, as your field of depth is altered.

Distortions in the aptitude to measure the passage of time, might cause an 1 hour to feel like an eternity.

Try this level, especially for the first time, with close friends in a safe environment. You’ll create some fun memories!

.Level 4: Flying with the stars

.Recommended dosage: 3 – 4 g. dried mushrooms

Have you tried Trip Level 3 several times? Are you looking for something spicier? Increase the dose to attain Trip Level 4!

Strong hallucinations take over: a psychedelic torrent of forms, curves, and colors merges and hits the beaches of your awareness. There is no halting the waves at Level 4.

There will be moments when you lose contact with reality. Random non-existent items will materialize, and the sense of time will fade into the background.

This is the stage where psychedelics may be truly potent, life-changing, and mind-expanding, which intrigues some and scares others. Remember that this dose is only recommended for experienced users.

.Level 5: Total loss

Dosage: Anywhere from 4 – 5 g. dried mushrooms

Total loss of contact with reality. Intense hallucinations. Great distortion of the perception of the space and time.

Disappearance of the logical and known perception of the reality. Great introspection and loss of identity. Sensitive, emotional and personal experiences impossible to describe, once the psychedelic experience ends. Level 5!

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